I learned a lot of spiritual lessons as far as mission is concerned while I was attending Eden Valley Medical Missionary School and lately during training at Lisheleo Clinic and Holicare Sanitarium in Kenya. At the end of my internship there, I received a message from the school’s administrator in Eden Valley. The message was saying: “Sophia there will be a training course held at Herghelia Lifestyle Center, Romania, on how to start modern lifestyle centers. Would you like to join?” And guess what was my answer? It was a big, YES! At this point I was full of excitement but also was amazed about how the Lord answered my prayers, truly beyond my expectations. Evidently, He was leading my life in His own way towards His calling and vision for me.
God’s leading was and always will be the motivation for my work, as I am fully convinced that:”we have nothing to fear for the future unless we forget the way the Lord was leading our lives in the past”. So, I prepared for the journey to Romania and my dear Lord provided for everything needed to cover the expenses for the trip as well as for my two-week stay at Herghelia (which later on was actually extended to 6 weeks!). And what a blessing that has been!
Sophia Mahiri | Tanzania
My arrival at Herghelia was awesome. Just seeing nature surrounding the place, the beautiful landscape with rolling hills, forests, flowers and trees…everything so green, so colourful, conveyed that God’s presence was there. The food was delicious, the atmosphere was so peaceful and the people on the campus were warm and welcoming. Their smiling faces were full of joy and kindness. All that was a constant blessing during my entire stay in Herghelia.
The training began and it was all very inspiring. I could visualize my dreams becoming reality. It was also a time when I was taken out of my comfort zone, since it was my first time out of Africa and mingling with people of different races, different languages and different perception of the Sanitarium work. Almost everything there was a push to make me reason and take me out of the kind of the “box’ in which I was. As the training was moving forward, I was very quiet in the class but observant, studious, meditative, and prayerful. A lot of questions arose in my mind, but I felt I couldn’t ask anyone, at first. It was not the right time. A short time later, though, the Lord revealed to me that the time had arrived for my life purpose to be made clear. I began to understand more clearly His calling, to develop a straight-forward vision founded in the Lord. Little by little, the following questions were answered:
- What is my life purpose? I struggled with this question for a long time… The Lord built an answer to it as I prayed, through a series of events He was taking me through. It became clear and simple through a conversation with one particular teacher in the course. After she shared with me her life story, how the Lord had led her step by step toward her mission, I realized that in some respects there were some similarities with my experience. The dialogue we had was very inspiring and opened my mind in some ways I would have never thought.
- What is my calling? Where and how does the Lord want me fulfil His calling and the vision that He gave me for His work? This answer was also revealed by prayer, studying, meditating, thinking it through. It was the same vision and calling which I had had, ever since my secondary school years. But now the Lord deepened my understanding regarding the way He wanted it to be. The promise of Jeremiah 1, 4-7 came to my mind and I concluded that God’s timing is always the best, and His ways and plans are, as well.
- How is leadership and teamwork done in a Sanitarium setting?
I had a chance to learn this by studying and observing how things were run at Herghelia – the staff were like ants or bees working in their anthill and beehives. Everything could run smoothly and anyone was ready to act as a replacement for the other, whenever the need arose. I think that all of this were possible because the people there carry the same mission, they have the same objectives.
There were precious lessons and objectives gained during my six week stay at Herghelia. For me, Herghelia’s training has been enlightening! Every person I met was a case study and an answer to my top most puzzling life questions. It was so not only for myself, but also for my family. Every person became a blessing for me by restoring what my dad had lost due to the overwhelming struggle to cover my school fees when I was attending one year and a quarter of a medical school in my country. The understanding I reached at Herghelia motivated me to help other youth dive into their life purpose and help them live fully without wasting time by delaying the response to God’s still small voice that invites them in His vineyard. This training impacted greatly not only my life but also the life of the other people from different other countries – my colleagues, who attended the course.
For the moment, I am still pursuing the vision of becoming a health specialist and helping young people to understand how to live their life with purpose and meaning. I am now in the medical missionary school as a health teacher and am currently looking for a university in which I can continue my studies in public health. I want to become well equipped to touch the lives of many people by opening Sanitariums not only in Tanzania, but in Africa, in general. This is my vision, and also my prayer to the Lord. My kind request is that whosoever reads this article would pray for me and the other youth in Africa to arise and be useful to God in finishing the work that has to be done. May they happily respond to His call to meet the need for workers in Africa and across the world.
Special thanks to God first, and also for the dedication of Dr. Nicolae Dan, Mrs. Valentina Dan, Mr. Daniel Seniuc, Mrs. Angela, Mrs. Rica. Thanks to Mrs. Cornelia who was a lifestyle guest in Herghelia at that time, and thanks to the entire Herghelia team at large. I am praying for the Lord’s special blessings so you will continue to be useful in the Lord’s vineyard by bringing many to Him while working out your own salvation.
Sophia Mahiri | Tanzania
Newsletter XVIII Summary
God’s vision for end-time Adventist ministries to the world includes medical missionary work spreading globally like rivers of fire, with Sanitariums serving as outpost centers near the world’s major cities.
The wellness center management training at Herghelia was an incredibly enriching and deeply insightful experience. The program stood out for its multifaceted approach to wellness center operations, offering teachings from three distinct perspectives.
Prior to the course being advertised, I had been making enquiries about attending an Adventist lifestyle centre in Europe, for a chance to restore my health after a difficult year at work and in my personal life. When the opportunity to attend this training was advertised, I did not hesitate to apply.
The time I spent in Herghelia was very inspiring. We met very dedicated brothers and sisters there. They all worked passionately with each of us on every one of our projects, helping us to find suitable approaches to fit our specific needs, according to the culture of our country.
We knew the Lord wanted us to complement our existing medical missionary training school with a lifestyle center. What we didn’t know was how to start this institution. We had in mind something of a professional standard and one that would not “put the Lord to shame”.
I didn’t know what to expect from this training when I first heard God’s call to enroll. However, I can testify to how He made everything possible for me to be here. Tomorrow, I will leave this place feeling fully inspired and equipped with a wealth of new knowledge and ideas, and with the joy of having met so many wonderful people.
From the moment I arrived at Herghelia, I was awed by the breathtaking view and the tranquil landscape of the place. However, what truly left an indelible impression on my heart was the exceptional care and kindness displayed by the dedicated team of professionals that work there.
I would like to thank Herghelia for the training we’ve had. I’ve learned a lot of important things about the opening of a Lifestyle Center.
In my opinion, the lifestyle center establishment training was very good and very enriching. The different speakers explained the topics covered very well. I felt though, that it was too short. Two more days added to it would have been perfect.
The recent training course on how to open a lifestyle centre, was intense. The presenters shared with us all the elements that helped them achieve their goal of having a lifestyle centre in their area. But they also shared with us the failures along the way and explained the reason for these failures.
As we are preparing to start a health centre, a medical missionary school and a city center in the Netherlands, somebody advised us to consider the training Herghelia offers on how to manage a lifestyle centre in the 21st century. I did that, and I can say that this was an amazing experience.
The training at Herghelia was an unexpected blessing for me, as I hadn’t planned on diving into any serious project right away. However, through my interactions with fellow trainees, the Lord quickly revealed the importance of engaging deeply with the topics presented, for my spiritual journey.
I really appreciated the training we’ve had in Herghelia, from many points of view.
First of all, I think it was challenging as far as our beliefs. For instance, one of the case studies presented for discussion in one of our classes was: If a future SDA client in our health center, aware that he might need a cardiac valve replacement soon and also knowing that the new valve comes from pig, is asking our advice about doing this surgery, what should be our response?
I really appreciated the diversity of the speakers in this training course, and also their vast experience. They were able to share not only their theoretical knowledge but also their practical experience.
The course that I had the honour of attending in Herghelia was amazing! It was very educational, expanding my understanding on medical missionary work in a Sanitarium setting. The picture became clearer and more understandable.
During my training in Herghelia I had a roommate that lives somewhere up in the Romanian mountains. Once, he had to go back home to tend to an emergency, and he brought back some giant carrots and some little white peppers that were very sweet. I loved talking with him.
The training I received in Herghelia was very inspiring. I discovered here a structure that beautifully combines God’s love, compassion, special care and humility. It showed me that God’s laws are not only capable of preventing illness, but also of relieving pain and improving overall physical and mental health. If I had to choose only 2 most important points of this training, these would be:
I learned a lot of spiritual lessons as far as mission is concerned while I was attending Eden Valley Medical Missionary School and lately during training at Lisheleo Clinic and Holicare Sanitarium in Kenya. At the end of my internship there, I received a message from the school’s administrator in Eden Valley.
Please pray for and support the Sanitarium Global Movement. We claim the following precious promise that the Lord will inspire, lead and protect each particular project started according with His plans: “The Lord has presented matters to me again and again, and given me instructions to say that God Himself is Ruler and Counselor and Guardian of every Sanitarium that shall be established”. Ellen G. White Letter 180, 1901
We want to establish a Worthy Students Fund to help prospective future Sanitarium leaders attend the annual “How to start and manage Sanitariums in the XXI Century” and cover part of the funds related to the production of a Loma Linda University Certificate online course in this field. We are working with LLU to produce such a course to be available to the SDA Church at large.
- Worthy student fund for “How to start and manage Sanitariums in the XXI Century” – $5000
- Certificate online course on “How to start and manage Sanitariums in the XXI Century” – $2000
- Medical Missionary Nursing School – Reframing the Medical Missionary Training Program – $25,000
We are getting close to final accreditation and adding an English program.
- Extension of the Lifestyle Center – $1,000,000
Right now we are working with an architect to fine tune the architectural draft.
Contact person: Valentina Dan
Phone: +40-748-118-084
E-mail: valentinadan1964@yahoo.com
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