If you are convicted by His divine influence and you got that strong inner impulse toward being involved in health work, our immersive two-week training is designed to equip you with the knowledge, and hands-on skills needed to engage with courage in this mission journey, by God’s grace! You will have the opportunity to dive into the operational aspects of a Wellness Center and gain invaluable insights from all the institutional and departmental leaders at Herghelia. Herghelia Institute has been established in 1991 and has been running a Wellness Center since 1996 and a Mission Nursing School since 2021. Herghelia Institute has been instrumental in starting other Wellness Health Centers in Europe and the Middle East. This experience is now available to you, the members of our Church who have the high calling to start such ministries in your own countries!

What is special about this training is the opportunity for each participant - prospective leader, or prospective project representative to meet the president, the leadership team and all department leaders of Herghelia as they will share their experience, challenges and opportunities BOTH IN CLASS AND IN ONE - BY - ONE PERSONAL INTERACTION. You will also have the special opportunity to meet DR. ZENO CHARLES MARCEL, THE ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF GC HEALTH DEPARTMENT. He will spend special time with all physicians coming for this training, answering their questions, and inspiring their vision for serving in a Wellness Center! DR. VIRIATO FERREIRA EUD HEALTH DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR will also partener in this special training.

In accord with our Church’s vision for a comprehesive health approach we offer a balanced training based on the light shining from both Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy and also based on up to date medical research. 

“The Lord years ago gave me special light in regard to the establishment of a health institution …it was to be in His hands one of the most effective agencies for giving light to the world.” 6 T 223

“Christ is the one to be revealed in all the institutions connected with the closing work, but none of them can do it so fully as the health institution where the sick and suffering come for relief and deliverance from both physical and spiritual ailment…” RH October 29, 1914, par. 7.