Dear friends,
Special greetings from Herghelia and a blessed new year for all of you!
A promising 2024 start
A short retrospective look at 2023, shows that for our Lifestyle Center, last year meant a total of 1241 lifestyle guests (plus 25 children in a special session for families) from which 449 (36%) were return guests! Usually, people already begin registering for the next year at Herghelia before the end of our last session. Last year our guests were mostly Romanians. There were 1003. We had 238 foreigners. All were very pleased with what we had to offer.

The second session of 2024 – guests and staff
Once again, we started our activities at the center on Wednesday, January 4th, with a special 8-day detox session (so welcome after typical winter holiday feasts). Out of 46 patients – the total number of guests in this first group – 26 accepted the challenge to engage in a 3-day therapeutic fruit and vegetable juice fast with a transition toward Herghelia’s regular total vegetarian diet on the 4th day. The rest of the group who decided to skip fasting also received special attention in this session as far as diet was concerned. They had wild berry smoothies in the morning and green juices for lunch. The session turned out to be a great experience for both guests and workers alike! The second lifestyle session has just ended. We had 56 patients, out of whom 42 were first-time guests. This is quite unusual as typically 30 – 40% of our patients are return guests.
We may conclude that the new year seems to be a very promising one, as far as our activities here at the Lifestyle Center!
A piece of history

Representatives of 6 New Lifestyle Center Projects
Herghelia was set up to be an Adventist – supporting ministry in Romania and Europe. It is a successful example of the sustainable Adventist Sanitarium concept, where healing and health care are blended with education and gospel/faith sharing.
Herghelia has been instrumental in the opening of 4 more Lifestyle Centers in Romania, offering a model, counseling, mentorship, architectural design, finances, training and trained workers. The fifth Lifestyle Center opened for patients last October and is located near Codlea town in Brasov County, Transylvania.
A sixth is owned and currently being developed by the Muntenia Conference of the Romanian SDA Union, the biggest Conference in Romania, with headquarters in Bucharest, the capital city. Herghelia has been asked to help clarify the design, define services and help implement the management of this new Sanitarium and Rehabilitation Hospital currently under construction.
Starting in 2002, Herghelia began investing time, knowledge, funds and other resources towards starting, helping to start or improving the management of various Lifestyle Centers in Europe and the Middle East. This all started with an invitation for close collaboration with Adventist Union leaders. Presently, successful Lifestyle Centers are operating in Moldova Republic (56 beds), Bulgaria (30+ beds), Israel (10 rooms/15 beds) and others in the planning stages in Hungary, Germany, Spain etc.
Herghelia has also been a training Institution for teams in the last 20 years, and lately, more formally recognized as a choice training center by the GC Health Department and OCI. Last year August we had a 15-day immersion training on “How to Start, Develop and Manage a Lifestyle Center” attended by representatives of 6 new Lifestyle Center projects in Europe (Hungary, Poland, Germany, Holland), Africa (Kenya) and the Middle East/MENA. We will have another 15-day training program in May/June 2024 in collaboration with GC Health Department and OCI.
A Sanitarium prototype

Given the unprecedented interest in starting Sanitariums in Europe (and in the Western world generally,) as well as understandable interest in the rest of the developing world, Herghelia started working towards providing a functional model of a scalable, sustainable Sanitarium with these four components:
1. Functional architectural floor plans (for 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75-room Sanitariums), adapted according to local health department requirements.
2. An Operational Manual with specific lifestyle/rehabilitation sanitarium services, job descriptions and procedures that would work across various countries within the Western hemisphere (for the countries where there are no stringent health guidelines, a less complicated architecture/operation could work).
3. A comprehensive IT package, ready to go, covering everything from marketing, patient/medical data collection and management system to mobile Apps for optional patient follow-up.
4. A chain of premiere, experienced, designated training Sanitariums that will offer immersion training programs for leaders, teams and physicians on “How to start, develop and manage Sanitariums” preparing them to lead new Sanitariums.
Please pray that God’s vision to circle the globe with Sanitariums near all big cities will be fulfilled and that we will continue to play our part, faithfully.
Newsletter XVI Summary
Herghelia formally recognized as a choice training center by the GC Health Department and OCI.
August 2023 in Herghelia took place the first 15-day immersion training on:“How to Start, Develop and Manage a Lifestyle Center”, attended by representatives of 6 new Lifestyle Center projects in Europe, Africa and Middle East.
A beautiful story of a missionary minded family – Stan family, former workers in Herghelia.
Claudiu continues to find ways to meet the people’s needs wherever life takes him, to save as many as possible. He is very creative in his approach and has a special burden for children and youth.
Viorica Moraru’s testimony convinces us that it’s never too late to learn to be a medical missionary.
A former Pentecostal believer, Viorica is an enthusiastic Adventist and promoter of a healthy lifestyle. She loves physical exercise and has a peculiar, happy/funny way of teaching it to the patients.
Pastor Daniel Tudorie’s testimony about being a patient/guest in Herghelia.
“I was amazed to witness people’s openness to God! I could see that the context created here – what people experience here day by day, builds in them the desire to get closer to God.”
Ovidiu – one of our nurses in Herghelia shares how a special bound between him and one of his patients freed the patient from prejudices about Adventists.
“We prayed together, we shared spiritual topics respecting each other’s views and in the last meeting together he couldn’t refrain from literally bursting into tears.”
Eduard Jarnea – former director and teacher in our medical missionary school discovers a new passion.
“I am blessed to be an IT and programming teacher at the Dr.Lind K-12 School. Reflecting on my journey, I see how God’s guiding hand led me to this fulfilling path – a path I had never imagined for myself.”
“Vasile Dan” Nursing School Report
Find out about recent events and activities in our nursing school.
Herghelia provides a Sanitarium Prototype
Given the unprecedented interest in starting Sanitariums in Europe (and in the Western world, generally) as well as understandable interest in the rest of the developing world, Herghelia started working towards providing a functional model of a scalable, sustainable Sanitarium with four components.
- Medical Missionary Nursing School – Reframing the Medical Missionary Training Program – $25,000
We are getting close to final accreditation and adding an English program.
- Extension of the Lifestyle Center – $1,000,000
Right now we are working with an architect to fine tune the architectural draft.
Contact person: Valentina Dan
Phone: +40-748-118-084
Cont: RO02RNCB0193015969490004
BCR Central, Tg. Mureș